Hardwood flooring continues to be in high demand. It is the most popular among property owners. Hardwood flooring is warm, durable, ageless, and organic. However, no matter how durable they are, it doesn’t mean that you should take them for granted. To maintain their sheen and protect your investment, you need to start caring for your hardwood floors.
Common Problems With Hardwood
While hardwood is hardy and durable, it is prone to the following issues:
- Cupping
When water seeps between the boards, it causes cupping. If the borders of your hardwood board are higher than the middle, it has cupped.
- Crowning
Cupping is the polar opposite of crowning. If the middle of the board is higher than the edges, your hardwood has a crowning problem.
- Gapping
Gapping is typical on hardwood floors, especially as the wood dries out. Have your floor checked right away if there are any strange spaces between the boards.
- Buckling
It’s natural for your hardwood to expand and contract in response to changes in weather and humidity. In other situations, however, the hardwood does not return to its original shape, resulting in humps and bumps on the boards.
- Fractures
The boards on your floors become cracked as a result of low humidity and moisture. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including faulty heating and frequent usage of air conditioning equipment.
- Loose and Noisy Boards
Contractors that are unfamiliar with the different types of hardwoods may use the wrong nails or install the hardwood incorrectly. The floorboards become loose as a result, and when you put weight on them, they make squeaky noises.
Harmful Things For Hardwood
If you want your hardwood to endure a long time, you must be aware of the potential hazards and how to avoid them. We’ve included a list of important things you should be aware of so that when the warning signs first arise, you can act quickly to prevent further damage.
- Moisture Imbalance
The most common cause of hardwood floor deterioration is excessive dampness. If you notice your hardwood expanding or shrinking, or if there are gaps between the boards, it’s important to have it checked by a professional to avoid further damage.
- Dryness
The humidity level in your home has an impact on the condition of your hardwood. Your hardwood expands and contracts as the humidity level changes. It causes cracks to form over time. If your wood is dry and exposed to no moisture, the cracks will become larger. It’s never ideal for your hardwood floors to be too wet or too dry. It’s critical to strike a balance between the two.
- Foot Traffic
If there are a lot of people living at home, dust, dirt, mud, and other items that stick to the soles of their shoes are likely to end up on your floors. Scratches and scuff marks on the floor are also common when there is a lot of foot traffic. Invest in some soft slippers and mats to protect your floor from these.
- Pet Induced Stains
Pet urine is one of the worst things for your hardwood flooring. It will leave permanent stains if you don’t clean it straight away or if you don’t know how to clean it properly.
- Bugs
If you reside in a bug-infested area, ensure your hardwood floors are properly treated. Termites are one of the many insects that might cause harm to your hardwood. Before you install hardwood flooring, make sure to examine your space and consult with an expert.
Don’ts for Your Hardwood
Though hardwood floors can last for many years, there are a variety of things that contribute to their rapid deterioration. Here are a few things to keep in mind in order to protect your beautiful hardwood floors.
- Wearing Hard-Soled Shoes
According to some experts, shoes cause more harm to hardwood floors than pets or the weather. Because you’ve been wearing them to so many places throughout the day, they’re filthy. Small pebbles can become caught in the bottoms of your shoes, scratching the finish of your floors. There are also hard-soled shoes that will scrape your floors whether or not they have been used outside.
- Pets
Your pet’s long nails, like shoes, can harm the finish of your floors. Because they’re continuously running or strolling around the house, your pet’s long nails are constantly in contact with the floor.
- Furniture Without Pads
Many enjoy redecorating their homes on a regular basis. This entails rearranging the furniture. If your furniture’s legs aren’t protected, they’ll leave long, deep scratches on your hardwood floors. Even if you can carry your furniture, always place pads at the bottom of the legs to prevent scratches.
- Harsh Cleaning Detergents
Cleaning detergents contain compounds that may affect the composition of your hardwood. While there are a variety of cleaning detergents available for your floors, be sure it’s gentle and appropriate for your hardwood floor.
- Leaving Out Furniture in One Spot for Long Periods of Time
If you leave your furniture in the same spot for a long time, the space beneath it may react slowly to environmental changes. As a result, it discolours the area surrounding it.
Harmful Cleaning Detergents
If you’ve already made a grocery list for your next trip, double-check that you have all of the essential cleaning products. Here are a few cleaning products to check off your to-do list. The following typical household cleaning detergents that are strong bases and acids must be avoided:
- Ammonia
- Oil
- Glass Cleaners
- Vinegar
- Lemon Juice
- Bleach
- Hydrogen Peroxide
How to Take Care of Hardwood
The activities we engage in have an impact on the condition of our hardwood. We walk around with scuff marks on our shoes, spill water on hardwood floors, and lug heavy furniture around. The lifespan of hardwood floors can be shortened by these activities. Caring for your floors requires extra attention and the use of precisely selected tools. You’ll find some suggestions below to help you keep your hardwood in good shape for many years to come.
- Sweep or clean the dust from your hardwood with soft-bristled brushes.
- Using a moist cloth to wipe away water and sticky spills. To avoid discolouration and too much moisture building on your hardwood, wipe spills as soon as you notice them.
- When compared to rough rags or pads, microfibre pads and mops can help reduce scratches on your floors.
- To avoid major scratches on your hardwood floor, don’t bring or drag heavy furniture or equipment across it.
- Depending on the current state and use of your hardwood, you should recoat it every 3 to 5 years. Recoating them keeps them from seeming worn out.
How to Remove Scuff Marks on Hardwood Floors
You don’t need pricey cleaning solutions to remove scuff marks from your hardwood flooring. Here are some items you can utilize that are readily available at home.
- Sponge and Water
Soak your sponge in water and wipe and rub the scuff marks on your floor carefully.
- Using a School Eraser
Scuff markings can be removed in the same way as pencil marks may be removed using an eraser. Simply rub the eraser over the scuff marks until they disappear.
- Tennis Balls
Place the tennis ball on the broom or mop’s tip and gently glide it through the scuff marks until they vanish.
Shining Your Hardwood Floors
It’s critical to shine your hardwood floors on a regular basis, not only for aesthetic reasons but also to keep them in good shape. Selecting the appropriate material is critical. Before you buy and shine your floors, there are a few things you need to do beforehand.
- Identifying the type of floor finish you have. If you’re not sure, scrape part of the finish off and bring it to your local store for assistance.
- Before you start polishing, sweep the floors to remove any dust. As you apply the polish, the dust might become trapped and solidify, causing micro-scratches.
- Apply the appropriate finish to your hardwood. Before you apply the polish, double-check with someone who knows what to do to be sure the polishing is done correctly.
- Allow for some time for the polish to soak in. Let the polish sit for at least a few hours, or a day if possible, before using or dragging the furniture back into the room, so it can sink down to the hardwood.
If you take precautions with your hardwood floors, you’ll have to polish them less often and witness less damage over time.
If you’re looking for reliable hardwood flooring in Toronto, turn to Capital Hardwood Flooring. We provide quality flooring options for residential and commercial establisments. Give us a call at 416-536-2200.