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6 Best Quality of Hardwood Flooring


6 Best Quality of Hardwood Flooring

Hardwood flooring is a timeless and classic option that adds warmth, character, and value to any space. Not only does it provide an elegant and stylish look, but it is also robust and long-lasting. Still, not all hardwood flooring is the same. Certain characteristics distinguish high-quality hardwood flooring from lower-quality options. These are some of the features that make up the best-quality hardwood flooring to help you choose the best flooring solution for your needs.

An important aspect to consider when evaluating the quality of hardwood flooring is the species of wood used in its production. Different types of wood have varying levels of hardness, durability, and grain patterns. Oak, cherry, and maple are a few of the most popular hardwood flooring species, known for their strength and beauty. Exotic hardwoods such as Brazilian cherry or teak are also durable and unique but come at a higher price point. Regardless of the species chosen, make sure it has been sourced from responsibly managed forests.

Thicker boards offer stability and durability

The thickness of the hardwood boards also plays a significant role in determining the quality of the flooring. Thicker boards are more stable and heavy-duty, making them less prone to warping and cupping. Thinner panels may be cheaper, but they may not withstand the wear and tear of daily use over the long term. The thickness of the boards will depend on the specific installation requirements, but typically, the best quality hardwood flooring has boards that are at least 3/4 inches thick.

Another factor to consider is the quality of the finish applied to the hardwood flooring. A high-quality finish should provide excellent protection against scratches, stains, and other forms of damage. It should also enhance the natural beauty of the wood grain while providing a smooth and even surface.

The grain pattern is determined by the cutting method used on the wood. The most commonly used cutting method is plain sawn, which produces traditional wood grain patterns known as cathedrals. On the other hand, Rift-sawn wood features a consistent grain pattern without cathedrals and is the most expensive grain pattern. Quarter-sawn wood is similar to rift-sawn but includes irregular specs that create a distinctive and sometimes three-dimensional pattern. Some manufacturers offer flooring that combines multiple grain patterns to create a unique pattern for your floor.

When selecting hardwood flooring, it is essential to consider the natural colours available, which can be classified as dark or light. It is recommended to choose a colour that suits your preferences and complements the overall style of your space. 

If your space has ample natural light, you may opt for darker hardwoods like mahogany and walnut, although scratches may be more visible on these floors. Light-coloured hardwoods such as pine, poplar, and birch can make a room appear brighter and better hide scratches. 

The best-quality hardwood flooring is sourced sustainably, ensuring the environment is protected for future generations. To ensure that your hardwood flooring is manufactured sustainably or sourced from responsibly managed forests, you may look for certifications from international organizations such as the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).

Choosing the best quality hardwood flooring for your home requires careful consideration of several factors. Capital Hardwood Flooring offers a wide range of hardwood flooring options that meet all of the criteria for high-quality flooring. You can trust that you are investing wisely in a beautiful and long-term flooring solution. Call us today at 416-536-2200!


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